Our EduGro division helps schools Grow an Education with STEM supporting classroom growing systems for science lessons and experiments and generating data and themes for many other subjects.
Did you know? Agriculture can be used as a common theme across many subjects to deliver most of a school’s curriculum. The EduGro.Club portal gives access to teaching resources and our shop where you can buy systems and consumables as well as share ideas and experiments with other schools.

Our EduGro.Club portal is in development. If your school is interested in hydroponic technologies and / or classroom growing contact us to find out more. We welcome enquiries from anyone who would like to help shape our journey in return for discounts and extended membership benefits.
CFS Mobile Education Module

We are in the testing stage for our compact, mobile and simple to use growing systems designed for classroom growing to deliver a hands-on STEM education. If your school or college is interested in operating a prototype module and giving feedback contact us by email or phone.