Our unique ability to scale and flex growing cycles offers potential for several sectors. We created these brands to highlight this:
CloudGro is our trademarked brand for a commercial grower to monitor facilities in many locations such as supernarkets or hotels. To go with this we trademarked CloudGrown for produce grown within a CloudGro facility. We would love to see this in the font and colours of each location showcasing the freshest produce a customer can buy. Forget about food miles – we harvest within minutes and metres. We will create an App for consumers to scan a POS barcode and see the full Seed-to-Sale history of their purchases.
EduGro is our school club focussing on a range of growing systems, hardware options (including robotics), consumables, support and collaborative services for schools and colleges to Grow an Education with STEM.
PropaGro is for crop breeders and nursery stock propogators offering PropaGrown stock for growing in by others. Crop breeders and IP holders can ensure stock is propagated at customer premises to the highest of standards. This improves margins by reducing costs and carbon – another step towards Net Zero by reducing Scope 3 emissions.
HomeGro is a domestic version of our EduGro club for home based growers. The range of growing modules and support enables the lesser abled and elderly to avoid much of the physical nature of home based growing.
PharmaGro offers a huge dataset to monitor and secure the optimal growing of pharmaceutical grade crops from trials through to continuous production levels.